What Do Niseko’s Winter Resort Staff Do in the Summer?

August, 29th 2024

Hikari Suzuki – Lift Operator from Tokyo

Are you a summer person or a winter person?

I’m an all-season person!

What job did you do in the winter?

I worked as a lift operator at Niseko HANAZONO Resort.

What job do you do in the summer?

In the summer, I work as a rafting guide at Niseko HANAZONO Resort. 

Just like when I’m working on the lifts in the winter, I find it really fulfilling to see guests enjoying themselves. Seeing the guests having fun directly contributes to my own enjoyment.

How are you spending your summer in Niseko?

I enjoy BBQs, camping, hiking, and this year I went to a music festival in Hokkaido for the first time. I love being active on my days off as much as I am at work! I think that being able to live this way is something special about being in Hokkaido and Niseko. On a personal note, I recently started playing badminton after work.

Do you have any recommendations or tips for enjoying the summer in Niseko?

Since it’s hot, rafting is definitely a must-do! The Shiribetsu River is calm, so you can dive in and swim a lot, and there are various games you can play on the boat, which is why I recommend it! Each guide has a different way of making the trip fun, and some guides provide detailed explanations about the river and nature. Coming to visit multiple times might just be the secret to enjoying Niseko’s summer.

Can you tell us your favourite restaurant in Niseko?

I recommend “Cafe Creperiz” in front of Kutchan station! They serve both sweet and savoury crepes, so I think there’s something for everyone to enjoy. It’s a popular spot, so it might get crowded depending on when you go.

Ryuichirou Yasuki – Ski Patrol from Hyogo Prefecture

Are you a summer person or a winter person?

I love both, but I have a special preference for winter because of skiing.

What job did you do in the winter?

I work as a ski patrol at Niseko Village.

It’s a challenging job that I find incredibly rewarding, especially when it comes to rescuing injured skiers. There’s nothing more fulfilling than safely rescuing someone in pain and seeing the relief on their family’s faces. Performing avalanche control in Mizuno No Sawa with skis and explosives is also a highlight of being a ski patrol at Niseko Village.

What job do you do in the summer?

I work as an activity staff member at Niseko Village Pure. 

This year, I started handling counter duties to support the overall operations. Previously, I worked primarily as a zipline guide for two seasons at Niseko Village and then as one of the section leaders on-site.

How are  you spending your summer in Niseko?

I’ve recently become a parent, so my main focus is child-rearing. Other than that, my hobby is lure fishing in mountain streams, which is my favourite activity alongside skiing, although I haven’t had much time for it this year.

Do you have any recommendations or tips for enjoying the summer in Niseko?

I highly recommend fishing, since it’s also my hobby. The area around Niseko has many spots where you can enjoy thrilling fights with large trout. Camping is also recommended because the area around Niseko is rich in nature, making it perfect for enjoying various outdoor activities.

The secret tip is simply to play outside.

Can you tell us your favourite restaurant in Niseko?

Izakaya Mammoth (Sakaba Manmosu).




  • NISEKO Annupuri
  • NISEKO Village
  • Grand HIRAFU


  • Ikon
  • Mountain



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